Monday, February 22, 2016

Tiny Spherical Worlds

Hey guys, I would like to introduce our new project. In our new project my class and I are making polar panoramas and spherical panos. Well composite images are created from combing several different pictures to go beyond the limitations of a camera. With one picture it wouldn't be as high quality as a normal picture. The point of composite images is to go BEYOND the limitations of a normal camera. A normal camera doesn't take 10 different pictures and put them together. When you take composite pictures it makes your picture better because you get one big picture to make it look really cool.

Two composite images we are doing right now is polar and spherical panos. Polar and spherical panos are different because polar panos look like little tiny worlds. Spherical panos look like a crystal ball. The polar pano looks like it could be a world in a world. It looks like a world because the background is black and the pictures is feathered so that it fades into the outer darkness. The polar panoramas also look more realistic because they have a feathered and black background. If you added some other planters with it it will look like a solar system.
So my finished and final tiny worlds will look very convincing because they have a black background and they have a feathered fade in it. The feather will make it look really cool because it acts like a fade and the world is in outer darkness. The other reason why it makes it look really convincing is the fact that it is in a ball and it looks like I'm standing in that ball. When I put my portrait in there I am going to make it look like i am coming out of the world because I'm gonna add a shadow effect on it to make it look like the sun is facing me and i'm not melting.

Panorama at Kealia lookout 
Panorama at the beach 
Panorama at Kapaa Middle School

Monday, February 1, 2016

Hockney Style Joiners

My school photomontage of Ashley Alfiler 

Hey guys, Welcome back. Mr. Sanderl my teacher, gave us a new project. THis project is about photomontages and David Hockney. SO first off what is a photomontage, a photomontage is a bunch of photos arranged to create a new picture or abstract art. Now that we know what a photomontage is, who is David Hockney. David Hockney is one of the most influential pop artist in the 20 century known for making photomontages. David Hockney's Photomontages are different then mines because mines are not taken correctly and his are taken with high quality camera's like the best cannons and nikons.

Positive quote I got on Google. PICTURE
Images can send all kinds of messages. Some can be positive and others can be very negative. One positive image for me on my instagram would be of daily scriptures that I read. Another example would be a picture of the beach and have a really good and uplifting quote. An example of negative messages is cyberbullying. People are very cruel and they like to bully others. WHen you post good things it will make people feel better about themselves and they will be more positive about themselves. WHen you post negative things that send a negative vibe things can get nasty because it means that you are bullying people and putting them down.

In my final photomontage I want my audience to see that I like to go to the beach. I also want them to see that I like to surf. In this picture I wanted to go to my favorite place to be and that was in Anahola.  I really like that I could get the horizon line to go actually straight and not all up down and look like the planet is all messed up. I think that if I moved a little more to the right I wouldn't get that coconut in the photo. Other than that I think that if I just add a little more color it would be perfect. When you look at my photomontage I wanted people to see both the sand and the ocean.