My project is on one of our KMS art teachers Mrs. Sandrel. My team and I chose Mrs. Sanderl because she has been able to inspire many people with her art and she is a very good artist.The project is going well. I think it is going well because we have had good team work and cooperation. I think that when you have good cooperation and team work the work can get done with ease. Mrs. Sanderl was a good topic because she was very cool and when the interview sound was too high she said that it was fine to come back and redo her interview and interview some of her kids she also said that it was fine to come back and take b-roll.
When the camera is not rolling my team and I are writing the script or having conversations about what day we want the interviews to be and trying to edit our work. Since our rough cut of our project is due Wednesday September 17,2014 we are pushing the pedal to the medal to get this project in great condition for television. When you only have about three people doing the work because one is absent it gets kind of hard because you have to do a lot of things in the in order to make this work. Since the camera is not rolling all the time there is other important thing to do other than video tape like edit or write the script or even just communicating with each other.
I like how you showed a really good picture of what we were doing ;)