Thursday, August 20, 2015

Personal Manifesto

Hey guys my name is Meleana and if you guys didn't know this I love to hunt and hike. Five  interesting facts about me are that I hiked over 30 miles this summer. I love to dive, throw net, and catch fish. I only have one sister and two brothers and I am the oldest of the family. I currently live in Anahola and go to the beach almost all the time. Currently I love photography and think that Silhouettes and sunset photography is the best because it looks cool. Somethings that i'm scared of is night diving because I start to think a shark is gonna bite me. Im also scared of big drops like California Screamin since your going up a hill at 60 miles an hour and drop straight down. My favorite color is purple.

Be happy often. Life is simple, Life is grand. Live life to the fullest. You are beautiful, think that everyday. Listen to the good, Keep out the bad. Explore. Travel. Dream big, even when your small. Discover. Learn. Grow. Eat. Love is patient, even when your not. Say yes to things you enjoy. Say no to things you don't. If you don't love what you do, Quit and do what you love. Don't give up. Stay living. Don't give up on yourself. Bound by fear. Bound by love. Bound by yourself. Wake up early. Go sleep late. Be awesome. Stay awesome. Love, Laugh, Live. Strength. Hunt. Travel to New Zealand. Hike.Practice. Cook often. Work out. Stay healthy. Live long. If somethings not working out, do something different.Share. Listen to music. Risk. DO it. Smile.

I have just wrote a personal manifesto. My manifesto applies to my readers because everyone must be afraid of something and likes to stay awesome like me. I think that everyone grows, eats, and learns at least everyone. I'm pretty sure that you must love at least someone in your family and if you don't have family I'm sure you have a really good friend. I know that I'm lucky enough to have good friends and family and I want to thank my mom for helping me a lot in work.
