Thursday, September 17, 2015

Comedy Writing

Hey this year I decided to introduce the project in each post. So in this blog post you are making a 30- 60 second joke video. Humor is an important character trait because most of the time it reveals who you are and how you act. Humor isn't just going on a stage and making people laugh because anyone can do that. Humor is about having empathy towards your audience and actually think about your audience. For example say your at a party with a bunch of Portuguese, you wouldn't be going around saying Portuguese jokes like " What did the Portuguese do at the stop sign? I don't know he's still there" kind of jokes. You would want to say something appropriate.

Okay so I will be giving you 5 tips on how to right a HUMOROUS narrative . One tip I would say would be to just use things in your everyday life that is boring and make them seem really funny. Somethings you could use can be dishes, laundry, siblings, school, and many more things. My second tip would be use sarcasm to make the most boring thing sound hilarious. When writing a story you probably want to make sure that they are appropriate to the audience. SO when going to a party and telling jokes make sure they are appropriate to that age group or ethnic group you will be sharing this joke with. If you are going to be publishing your joke you should try to stay away from ethnic joke so you don't offend anyone. One more tip I had in mind was to just be yourself in writing to speaking. When I say be yourself I mean use the same hand gestures you would when talking to friends or family. My last tip I would give you would be to be original and try not to copy a joke that is already made.

My comedic monologue was on my siblings and how they use to be super mean to me. I used sarcasm to make it sound funny. I basically did everything siblings do to irritate each other. I think it is funny because everyone knows that getting your toys and things your playing with taken away isn't fun but when I said it it sounded super fun. Another reason why I think my monologue is funny is because I used my everyday life to make it funny. I used things that made me annoyed and it turned out funny. When I had to come up with the idea I ton of ideas pop into mind and the very best one being my siblings. The way my siblings treat me because im older isn't always the very nicest like when they demand me to tie their shoe or make them dinner. 

Ashley,Julie, and me

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