Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Double Exposed Portraits

Portrait photography is a photo of a person or a group of people that shows expression or personality of the subject or someone. The focus of the photo is usually the person's face although the entire body and the background may be included. Portrait photography relates to profile view and silhouetting because they all include the outlining of a person and the main focus in all of them is always the persons face. They also all have something to do with of course taking a picture of someone or a group. They are different because silhouetting is the color outlined black of a person, profile view is just a side of one persons face, and portrait photography is a main focus of someones face in the picture.

 To create a double exposures  in photoshop you click on File>Scripts>Load Files Into Stack. Then a screen pops up you will  press browse and choose your photos, Then you press ok. Then you crop your profile and use the dodge tool too make your background white so your image only has your face as color. After that you double-click your layers and press screen mode for all of them. When your done with all of that you can press image and click new adjustment layer and explore and create your double exposure image. Remember avoid happy accidents.You want too make a double exposure because it looks beautiful with all the colors you choose and also because you would probably feel amazing about yourself for creating one.

My symbols are burgers from in and out burgers and Kalalea the mountain. I chose the burgers to represent me because I like to eat food and that was the best burger place I have ever ate at. Kalalea represent me because my great great grandpa died on that mountain and I can see it from my back yard.These are the  the reasons why I chose these pictures. I could have improved by moving the burgers up a little bit in my face. Kalalea could have gone more up like in my neck. 

Saturday, February 14, 2015

HDR Photography

HDR Photography is a method that takes multiple pictures and blends them together to make one amazing photo. In this project we took 7 pictures at different exposures we took the pictures from negative three (-3) to plus three (+3). I like it because it makes my pictures look more awesome and I only have to take 7 to get one amazing photo instead of 12 or more.The thing I don't like about it is that when you have your experiment they might move a lot and  when your in Photoshop they might have ghosting and Photoshop might not get rid of them. It is used for making the picture look like what the eye would see. sometimes the eye sees things that the camera can't see so HDR is there to make the picture look like what you would see.

Here are the six easy steps to creating a great HDR photos. The first step is to: control the exposure from lowest to highest you can do that by locating the plus and minus sign on your camera. The second and third step: is to import your photos and once you are done importing your photos you can organize them in finder then go to Photoshop if you have it. Step 4: Go into Photoshop and scroll over File<Automate< Merge to HDR Pro, then a box will pop up and press browse to find your photos. The fifth step is to : Create a photo that is great with the tools on your right such as vibrancy,shadow, radiance, and etc. The last step is to FOLLOW these steps to get a great HDR Photo. This is very different from the automatic HDR functions because in the automatic HDR functions you press a button and get the final result but with this one you get to do the work and make it your own.

This was the picture I took by the Fire station by Kealia 
In the landscape photo I was trying to get a lot of the sky, ocean, and rocks in the same picture.The horizon line is straight in this picture even though I was taking this picture on gravel. The rule of thirds in this picture is pretty good because the rocks are at the corner of the picture facing the ocean. Then in Photoshop I made it vibrant so the blue and orange sky would be very orange then go into the normal color blue. My thinking for my Experiment photo was that I have my mom stand in middle facing toward the kitchen. I wanted the back round to have the word family and the two pictures my friends mom took. My mom moved very little so it came out pretty cool. The only thing that I probably failed at was the part where you had to make it surreal  she looks the same as she did before except only brighter.
This was the picture I took of my Mom